Highley Community Primary School

Respect, Resilience and Relationships

Click the pictures to take you to the links!

Spelling Shed

Activities/games for spelling (children have their own login).

Please note Stage 1=Year 1, Stage 2=Year 2 etc.

Oxford Owl

Free e-books which can be read online on a PC, tablet or phone.

No login needed

Phonics Play

Interactive Phonics games, currently free access using:

Username: march20 password: home

The Write Stuff

This is the Writing method we teach at Highley. Jane Considine is offering a daily lesson for children by signing up via the link.


Animated adventures including phonics sounds.


Click the pictures to take you to the links!

Emile (KS1/KS2)

Hames-based Maths practice, including times tables check (also has links to grammar and spelling).

Maths with Parents (EYFS/KS1/KS2)

Free videos for topics across the maths curriculum for EYFS to Year 6.

Times Tables Rock Stars (Y1-6)

Activities/games for times tables practice (children have their own login).

Numbots (EYFS/KS1)

Activities/games for number bonds (children have their own login).

Top Marks (KS2)

Range of game-based activities.

I See Maths (KS2)

Live Maths sessions delivered remotely by Gareth Metcalfe with a focus on reasoning.

Transum (KS2)

Mathematical activities, games and puzzles - some great mathematical challenges here!

NRich (EYFS)

Mathematical challenges and investigations for early years.

NRich (KS1/KS2)

Mathematical challenges and investigations for all year groups.

Numberblocks (EYFS/KS1)

Animated adventures of number characters.

White Rose Maths (EYFS/KS1/KS2)

Short Maths lessons including a mini video and activity sheet.

Ideas for supporting children's mental wellbeing whilst off school. Includes advice for sleep, getting enough exercise, minimising screen-time, relaxation and mindfulness. Also includes some helpful contact numbers for times of crisis.

Click Here


Free access for 1000s of home learning activities

Remember to use the code: CVDTWINKLHELPS for free access

TTS Group

TTS have put together this pack with lots of activities which can be used to support learning at home

Ideas for Art

Borrowed from a colleague, here are some ideas for some art activities you can have a go at whilst at home


Click Here

DT Project

This file can be used with this week's DT challenge. Check our Facebook page for details!

Science Week

Playdough 1

Playdough 2

Playdough 3

For guidance on how to explain the current situation to children, try reading this book with them.

Coronavirus: A book for Children

What is now>press>play?

now>press>play is an immersive audio resource that engages primary school children in the curriculum through emotion, imagination and movement.

Immersed in sound, they become the main character in a story, meeting people, discovering places and solving problems on an educational adventure they’ll never forget.


Password: nowpressplay

Click the picture to access the website